22 February 2013

Main Task: First draft of script and narrative planning

After brainstorming some rough ideas for the narrative, our first task was to check how viable our plan for filming on location actually was. As a group, we contacted Transport for London to enquire about a student filming permit to work on the station platforms. At that time, we resigned ourselves to not being able to do any filming there, as the permit would cost £50 plus we needed expensive insurance. However, after discussing this matter with another teacher, we have found a way in which it may be possible.

On developing a script, I took what we had invented for our narrative thus far and built upon it, identifying character back stories and a main plot line for the film in its entirety. This became our film treatment. I then implemented some of the ideas we had come up with as a group for camera shots and dialogue, and made an unpolished first draft of the script. Of course, it will hopefully be changed once the rest of the group can input their own ideas and we can improve upon it vastly.

Some images of that script can be seen after the break... ->

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